National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NBHAAD

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NBHAAD

2024 THEME

Engage, Educate, Empower: Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities.

February 7 is National HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD), which was first observed in 1999. This observance is a day to acknowledge how HIV disproportionately affects Black people.

Black communities have made great progress in reducing HIV. Yet racism, discrimination, and mistrust in the health care system may affect whether Black people seek or receive HIV prevention services. These issues may also reduce the likelihood of engaging in HIV treatment and care. NBHAAD is an opportunity to increase HIV education, testing, community involvement, and treatment among Black communities.

This year’s theme is “Engage, Educate, Empower: Uniting to End HIV/AIDS in Black Communities”.

  • Engage: Discussing ways to better involve the black community in HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts. This can include outreach programs, community partnerships, and utilizing local leaders and influencers to promote HIV testing and destigmatize the conversation around HIV/AIDS.
  • Educate: Focusing on improving HIV/AIDS education among black youth and adults. This could cover the latest research, treatment options, understanding of PrEP and PEP medications, and debunking myths that contribute to stigma and discrimination.
  • Empower: Highlighting success stories and strategies that have effectively empowered black individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Empowerment can be through advocacy, policy change, access to care, and support systems.

Stay tuned for more information on events and activities for the day!

Event Information

}  February 07, 2024
  Wednesday, 12:00 am to 11:59 pm

Event Organizer

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