LaKeisha Williams, PharmD, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor
Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy
Director of Community Engagement and Outreach (CMHDRE)

Dr. LaKeisha Williams earned a Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Pharmacy from Xavier University of Louisiana, and a Master of Science in Public Health from Tulane University School of Public Health. Following her graduate studies, she completed a Pharmacy Practice Residency at Xavier University, and a NIH Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health Research (BIRCWH) Fellowship at Tulane University.

Dr. Lakeisha Williams is a Clinical Associate Professor in the College of Pharmacy at Xavier University of Louisiana. She serves as the Director of Community Engagement and Outreach for the Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities Research and Education and Director for the Community Engagement and Outreach Core for the NIH funded Research Centers in Minority Institutions and Community Engagement Core for the Louisiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Center.

Dr. Lakeisha Williams serves as an advisor, mentor, instructor and preceptor to pharmacy students and residents in the College of Pharmacy, and students in the Physician Assistant Program, both at Xavier University of Louisiana.

Dr. Lakeisha Williams has been instrumental in developing campus and community initiatives focused on HIV education. Dr. Williams is actively expanding community partnerships to include faith-based organizations that will promote efforts to end the epidemic of HIV in minority and underserved populations including Women and children.

Dr. Lakeisha Williams serves as one of the Principal Investigators for the Louisiana Community Engagement Alliance (LA-CEAL).  She is the Orleans Director of the Louisiana Pharmacists Association, a board member of the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship and Melia Neighborhood Association, a member of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists, and the American Pharmacists Association. She is a recipient of the Cardinal Generation Rx Award, American Federation for Medical Research Faculty Travel Award, Preceptor of the Year Award, and the Pharmacists Mutual Distinguished Young Pharmacists Award.